
Postcode: HR4 8TA

Bearcroft is a street in the settlement of Weobley governed by Weobley Civil Parish council which is within the electoral area of Golden Cross with Weobley Ward in the administration area of County of Herefordshire Council located in the West Midlands Euro Region of the UK.

Bearcroft is located 126.79 miles West from the centre of London, 9.87 miles North West from the centre of Hereford, 27.75 miles West from the centre of Worcester and 33.61 miles North West from the centre of Gloucester.

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Map of Bearcroft

Nearby Roads


Postcodes for Bearcroft

nearest tide point and watercourse

Tides and Rivers

Bearcroft is approximately 48.4548 kilometres from the tidal high water mark which could be coastline or a tidal river (click to view nearest high tide point in Google Maps) and is metres above sea level

The nearest significant watercourse to Bearcroft is a river called Newbridge Brook which is approximately 1.07054 kilometres away
Telephone codes

Telephone Information

Area Code: 01544 - Kington
Area Code: 01568 - Leominster

Broadband Speed (megabits per second)

Speed: Greater than 2 Mbps
Average Speed: 7.2
Median Speed: 8
Maximum Speed: 8.1
Next-generation access (NGA)?: N
Number of Connections: 42

Water and Drainage Details

Severn Trent Water
Visit Severn Trent Water's Website
House Sales

Recent House Sales in Bearcroft

37 Bearcroft
Sale Price: £320,000
Sale Date: 02/08/2023
34 Bearcroft
Sale Price: £370,000
Sale Date: 21/04/2023
Source: Land Registry Price Paid Data accessed via API

Healthcare and Education


Nearest Schools

Nearest GP Surgeries

Nearest GP Surgeries

Weobley Surgery

Address: The Surgery, Gadbridge Road, Weobley, Herefordshire, HR4 8SN
Telephone: 01544 318472
Distance: 0.15 (km)
Directions from Bearcroft to Weobley Surgery

Hereford Medical Centre

Address: Credenhill, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR4 7DD
Distance: 9.96 (km)
Directions from Bearcroft to Hereford Medical Centre

The Mortimer Medical Prac

Address: The Mortimer Medical Prac, Croase Orchard Surgery, Kingsland, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 9QL
Telephone: 01568 708214
Distance: 10.64 (km)
Directions from Bearcroft to The Mortimer Medical Prac

Kington Medical Practice

Address: The Surgery, Eardisley Road, Kington, Herefordshire, HR5 3EA
Telephone: 01544 230302
Distance: 11.12 (km)
Directions from Bearcroft to Kington Medical Practice
Nearest Libraries

Nearest Libraries

Weobley Library

Old Police Court, Back Lane, Weobley, HR48SG
Telephone: 01544 318956
Distance: 0.3 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Bearcroft to Weobley Library

Kington Library

64 Bridge Street, Kington, HR53DJ
Telephone: 01544 230427
Distance: 11.67 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Bearcroft to Kington Library

Leominster Library

8 Buttercross, Leominster, HR68BN
Telephone: 01432 383290
Distance: 11.72 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Bearcroft to Leominster Library

Peterchurch Library

St. Peter's Church, Church Road, Peterchurch, HR20RS
Distance: 14.52 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Bearcroft to Peterchurch Library

Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfasts and Places to Stay Near Bearcroft




Nearest Airports

Bristol International Airport is 86.71 Kilometers away Directions from Bearcroft to Bristol International Airport
Cardiff International Airport is 90.57 Kilometers away Directions from Bearcroft to Cardiff International Airport

Nearest Ferries

Sharpness Old Docks is 55.26 Kilometers away
Directions from Bearcroft to Sharpness Old Docks
Lydney Harbour is 55.96 Kilometers away
Directions from Bearcroft to Lydney Harbour
Newport (S Wales) Ferry Terminal is 66.66 Kilometers away
Directions from Bearcroft to Newport (S Wales) Ferry Terminal
Bristol Docks Ferry Landing is 73.82 Kilometers away
Directions from Bearcroft to Bristol Docks Ferry Landing

Nearest Motorway or Major Trunk Road

Bearcroft is approximately miles from the

Nearest Motorway Junctions

In the Area

Nearest Supermarkets

Nearest Supermarkets

Oakchurch Farm Shop

Oakchurch Farm, Church Road, Staunton On Wye, HR4 7NE
Distance: 7.49 Kilometres
Directions from Bearcroft to Oakchurch Farm Shop

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nearest Tourist Attractions


Attraction Name: Weobley Museum
Distance: 0.95 (km)
Directions from Bearcroft to Weobley Museum

Tourist Attraction

Attraction Name: Dunkerton's Cider Mill
Distance: 4.77 (km)
Directions from Bearcroft to Dunkerton's Cider Mill

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Burton Court
Distance: 5.86 (km)
Directions from Bearcroft to Burton Court


Attraction Name: Westonbury Mill
Distance: 6.01 (km)
Directions from Bearcroft to Westonbury Mill

Local Government and Policing


Local Council Details

Within the area of County of Herefordshire
Visit the Council's Website
35 Hafod Road
Send Mail
Telephone Number: 01432 260 000
Within the electoral area of Golden Cross with Weobley Ward -
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of North Herefordshire
The Member of Parliament is Bill Wiggin
Details for the MP Bill Wiggin on
Details for the MP Bill Wiggin on
In the 2017 General Election Bill Wiggin won with a majority of 21602 the result was Con hold. The total electorate was 67751
Within the area of Weobley Civil Parish Council

Population Statistics

ONS Area Code:
Ons Area Name:
Average Age :