Henry Street

Postcode: HR9 7AA

Henry Street is a street in the settlement of Ross-on-Wye governed by Ross-on-Wye Civil Parish council which is within the electoral area of Ross-on-Wye East Ward in the administration area of County of Herefordshire Council located in the West Midlands Euro Region of the UK.

Henry Street is located 109.92 miles West from the centre of London, 11.27 miles South East from the centre of Hereford, 14.73 miles West from the centre of Gloucester and 24.6 miles South West from the centre of Worcester.

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Map of Henry Street

Nearby Roads


Postcodes for Henry Street

Telephone codes

Telephone Information

Area Code: 01989 - Ross-on-Wye
Area Code: 01600 - Monmouth

Broadband Speed (megabits per second)

Speed: Greater than 2 Mbps
Average Speed: 17.2
Median Speed: 19.3
Maximum Speed: 22.7
Next-generation access (NGA)?: N
Number of Connections: 22

Water and Drainage Details

Severn Trent Water
Visit Severn Trent Water's Website
House Sales

Recent House Sales in Henry Street

17 Henry Street
Sale Price: £140,000
Sale Date: 21/07/2021
15 Henry Street
Sale Price: £160,000
Sale Date: 19/02/2021
Source: Land Registry Price Paid Data accessed via API

Healthcare and Education


Nearest Schools

Nearest GP Surgeries

Nearest GP Surgeries

Alton Street Surgery

Address: Alton Street Surgery, Alton Street, Ross-on-wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5AB
Telephone: 01989 563646
Distance: 0.33 (km)
Directions from Henry Street to Alton Street Surgery

Pendeen Surgery

Address: Pendeen Surgery, Kent Avenue, Ross-on-wye, Herefordshire, HR9 5AH
Telephone: 01989 763535
Distance: 0.48 (km)
Directions from Henry Street to Pendeen Surgery

Working Age Adults - the Knoll

Address: The Knoll, Gloucester Road, Ross-on-wye, Gloucestershire, HR9 5NA
Telephone: 01989 566345
Distance: 0.53 (km)
Directions from Henry Street to Working Age Adults - the Knoll

Drybrook Surgery

Address: The Surgery, Drybrook, Gloucestershire, GL17 9JE
Telephone: 01594 542239
Distance: 8.01 (km)
Directions from Henry Street to Drybrook Surgery
Nearest Libraries

Nearest Libraries

Ross-on-Wye Library

Cantilupe Road, Ross On Wye, HR97AN
Telephone: 01432 383280
Distance: 0.06 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Henry Street to Ross-on-Wye Library

Mitcheldean Library

High Street, Mitcheldean, GL170HN
Telephone: 0845 2305420
Distance: 8.39 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Henry Street to Mitcheldean Library

Cinderford Library

Belle Vue Road, Cinderford, GL142BZ
Telephone: 0845 2305420
Distance: 11.73 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Henry Street to Cinderford Library

Coleford Library

The Main Place, Old Station Way, Coleford, GL168RH
Telephone: 0845 2305420
Distance: 13.93 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Henry Street to Coleford Library

Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfasts and Places to Stay Near Henry Street




Nearest Airports

Gloucestershire Airport is 29.12 Kilometers away Directions from Henry Street to Gloucestershire Airport
Bristol International Airport is 59.35 Kilometers away Directions from Henry Street to Bristol International Airport

Nearest Ferries

Sharpness Old Docks is 22.12 Kilometers away
Directions from Henry Street to Sharpness Old Docks
Lydney Harbour is 23.29 Kilometers away
Directions from Henry Street to Lydney Harbour
Bristol Docks Ferry Landing is 46.37 Kilometers away
Directions from Henry Street to Bristol Docks Ferry Landing
Newport (S Wales) Ferry Terminal is 47.53 Kilometers away
Directions from Henry Street to Newport (S Wales) Ferry Terminal

Nearest Motorway or Major Trunk Road

Henry Street is approximately miles from the

Nearest Motorway Junctions

Junction: M50 J4/A449(T)/A449/B4221 - 2.15 Km Away
Directions from Henry Street to M50 J4/A449(T)/A449/B4221
Junction: M50 J3/B4221 - 6.95 Km Away
Directions from Henry Street to M50 J3/B4221
Junction: M50 J2/A417 - 17.67 Km Away
Directions from Henry Street to M50 J2/A417
Junction: M5 J13/A419 - 24.72 Km Away
Directions from Henry Street to M5 J13/A419

In the Area

Nearest Supermarkets

Nearest Supermarkets


Broad Street, Ross-On-Wye, HR9 7YB
Distance: 0.1 Kilometres
Directions from Henry Street to Sainsbury's


Broad Street, Ross-On-Wye, HR9 7YBBrookend Street, Ross-On-Wye, HR9 7EE
Distance: 0.2 Kilometres
Directions from Henry Street to Aldi


Broad Street, Ross-On-Wye, HR9 7YBBrookend Street, Ross-On-Wye, HR9 7EEStation Street, Ross-On-Wye, HR9 7AQ
Distance: 0.29 Kilometres
Directions from Henry Street to Morrisons

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nearest Tourist Attractions


Attraction Name: Market House Heritage Centre
Distance: 2.18 (km)
Directions from Henry Street to Market House Heritage Centre

Tourist Attraction

Attraction Name: Broome Farm
Distance: 3.2 (km)
Directions from Henry Street to Broome Farm


Attraction Name: Goodrich Castle
Distance: 4.3 (km)
Directions from Henry Street to Goodrich Castle

Craft Centre

Attraction Name: Wobage Farm Craft Workshop
Distance: 4.56 (km)
Directions from Henry Street to Wobage Farm Craft Workshop

Local Government and Policing


Local Council Details

Within the area of County of Herefordshire
Visit the Council's Website
35 Hafod Road
Send Mail
Telephone Number: 01432 260 000
Within the electoral area of Ross-on-Wye East Ward -
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of Hereford and South Herefordshire
The Member of Parliament is Jesse Norman
Details for the MP Jesse Norman on parliament.uk
Details for the MP Jesse Norman on theyworkforyou.com
In the 2017 General Election Jesse Norman won with a majority of 15013 the result was Con hold. The total electorate was 71088
Within the area of Ross-on-Wye Civil Parish Council

Population Statistics

ONS Area Code:
Ons Area Name:
Average Age :