Menteith Crescent

Postcode: FK8 3EG

Menteith Crescent is a street in the settlement of Kippen which is within the electoral area of Forth and Endrick Ward in the administration area of Stirling Council located in the Scotland Euro Region of the UK.

Menteith Crescent is located 360.24 miles North West from the centre of London, 18.57 miles North from the centre of Glasgow, 39.79 miles West from the centre of Edinburgh and 51.44 miles South West from the centre of Dundee.

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Map of Menteith Crescent

Nearby Roads


Postcodes for Menteith Crescent

Telephone codes

Telephone Information

Area Code: 01877 - Callandar
Area Code: 01786 - Stirling

Broadband Speed (megabits per second)

Speed: Greater than 2 Mbps
Average Speed: 6.3
Median Speed: 6.8
Maximum Speed: 8.1
Next-generation access (NGA)?: N
Number of Connections: 5

Water and Drainage Details

Scottish Water
Visit Scottish Water's Website

Healthcare and Education

Nearest Libraries

Nearest Libraries

Callander Library

South Church Street, Callander, FK178BN
Distance: 13.23 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Callander Library

Lennoxtown Library

Main Street, Lennoxtown, G667HA
Distance: 16.92 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Lennoxtown Library

Craighead Library

Milton of Campsie, Craighead Road, Glasgow, G668DL
Distance: 17.79 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Craighead Library

Strathblane Library

Kirkburn Road, Strathblane, G639ED
Distance: 17.83 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Strathblane Library

Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfasts and Places to Stay Near Menteith Crescent




Nearest Airports

Glasgow International Airport is 33.44 Kilometers away Directions from Menteith Crescent to Glasgow International Airport
Glasgow Prestwick International Airport is 73.87 Kilometers away Directions from Menteith Crescent to Glasgow Prestwick International Airport

Nearest Ferries

Balmaha Pier is 23.87 Kilometers away
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Balmaha Pier
Balloch Castle Pier is 28.86 Kilometers away
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Balloch Castle Pier
Balloch Village Ferry Landing is 28.96 Kilometers away
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Balloch Village Ferry Landing
Luss Pier is 29.02 Kilometers away
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Luss Pier


Nearest Motorway Junctions

Junction: M9 J10/A84(T)/A84 - 12.39 Km Away
Directions from Menteith Crescent to M9 J10/A84(T)/A84
Junction: M9 J11/A9(T)/A9/B824/B8033 - 13.32 Km Away
Directions from Menteith Crescent to M9 J11/A9(T)/A9/B824/B8033
Junction: M9 J9/M80/A91/A872 - 16.43 Km Away
Directions from Menteith Crescent to M9 J9/M80/A91/A872
Junction: M80 J7/A803 - 20.53 Km Away
Directions from Menteith Crescent to M80 J7/A803

In the Area

Nearest Supermarkets

Nearest Supermarkets

Co-operative Retail Services Ltd

45 Main Street, Lennoxtown, G66 7JJ
Distance: 16.94 Kilometres
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Co-operative Retail Services Ltd

Lidl UK Gmbh

1 Airdrie Road, Kilsyth, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G65 9JE
Distance: 17.76 Kilometres
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Lidl UK Gmbh


4 Antermony Road, Milton Of Campsie, G66 8DB
Distance: 17.95 Kilometres
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Scotmid

Co-operative Food

Cooperative Food, Antermony Road, G66 8DB
Distance: 17.95 Kilometres
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Co-operative Food

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Old Leckie
Distance: 3.7 (km)
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Old Leckie

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Cardross
Distance: 5.5 (km)
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Cardross

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Broch
Distance: 5.62 (km)
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Broch

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Culcreuch Castle
Distance: 7.55 (km)
Directions from Menteith Crescent to Culcreuch Castle

Local Government and Policing


Local Council Details

Within the area of Stirling
Visit the Council's Website
Send Mail
Telephone Number: 0845 277 7000
Within the electoral area of Forth and Endrick Ward -
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of Stirling
The Member of Parliament is Stephen Kerr
Details for the MP Stephen Kerr on
Details for the MP Stephen Kerr on
In the 2017 General Election Stephen Kerr won with a majority of 148 the result was Con gain from SNP. The total electorate was 66415

Location detailsLocation Details for Menteith Crescent
Name of Road: Menteith Crescent
OS Reference: 265190, 694702
OS Grid Reference: NS652947
Latitude and Longitude: 56.1260429766, -4.16900087527
Approximate distance to the nearest high tide point: 16.2543 miles

Ordnance Survey Landranger Map Series for Menteith Crescent

OS Landranger Map Number:
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