
Postcode: TD15 1DF

Parade is a street in the settlement of Berwick-upon-Tweed governed by Berwick-upon-Tweed Civil Parish council in the administration area of Northumberland Council located in the North East Euro Region of the UK.

Parade is located 305.3 miles North from the centre of London, 47.94 miles East from the centre of Edinburgh, 57.19 miles North from the centre of Newcastle upon Tyne and 60.63 miles South East from the centre of Dundee.

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Map of Parade

Nearby Roads


Postcodes for Parade

TD15 1DF
Telephone codes

Telephone Information

Area Code: 01289 - Berwick-on-Tweed

Broadband Speed (megabits per second)

Speed: Greater than 2 Mbps
Average Speed: 9.5
Median Speed: 8
Maximum Speed: 18.3
Next-generation access (NGA)?: N
Number of Connections: 7

Water and Drainage Details

Northumbrian Water
Visit Northumbrian Water's Website
House Sales

Recent House Sales in Parade

2 Parade
Sale Price: £138,000
Sale Date: 03/04/2023
18 Parade
Sale Price: £210,000
Sale Date: 24/09/2021
Source: Land Registry Price Paid Data accessed via API

Healthcare and Education


Nearest Schools

Nearest GP Surgeries

Nearest GP Surgeries

Well Close Medical Group

Address: Well Close Square Surgery, Well Close Square, Berwick Upon Tweed, Northumberland, TD15 1LL
Telephone: 01289 333240
Distance: 0.32 (km)
Directions from Parade to Well Close Medical Group

Union Brae & Norham Prac

Address: Union Brae & Norham Prac, Union Brae, Tweedmouth, Berwick-upon-tweed, Northumberland, TD15 2HB
Telephone: 01289 330333
Distance: 0.82 (km)
Directions from Parade to Union Brae & Norham Prac

Cheviot Medical Group

Address: Cheviot Medical Group, Padgepool Place, Wooler, Northumberland, NE71 6BL
Telephone: 01668 281575
Distance: 24.99 (km)
Directions from Parade to Cheviot Medical Group

The Glendale Surgery

Address: Glendale Surg,cheviot Pcc, Padgepool Place, Wooler, Northumberland, NE71 6BL
Telephone: 01668 281740
Distance: 24.99 (km)
Directions from Parade to The Glendale Surgery
Nearest Libraries

Nearest Libraries

Berwick Library

Walkergate, Berwick Upon Tweed, TD151DB
Telephone: 01289 334 051
Distance: 0.23 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Parade to Berwick Library

Eyemouth Library

Manse Road, Eyemouth, TD145JE
Distance: 12.39 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Parade to Eyemouth Library

Wooler Library

55 High Street, Wooler, NE716BH
Telephone: 01668 281 409
Distance: 24.99 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Parade to Wooler Library

Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfasts and Places to Stay Near Parade




Nearest Airports

Newcastle International Airport is 83.61 Kilometers away Directions from Parade to Newcastle International Airport

Nearest Ferries

Belvedere Ferry Landing is 71.81 Kilometers away
Directions from Parade to Belvedere Ferry Landing
Tower Knowe Ferry Landing is 72.55 Kilometers away
Directions from Parade to Tower Knowe Ferry Landing

Nearest Motorway or Major Trunk Road

Parade is approximately miles from the

Nearest Motorway Junctions

In the Area

Nearest Supermarkets

Nearest Supermarkets


121-125 Marygate, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Northumberland, TD15 1BH
Distance: 0.32 Kilometres
Directions from Parade to Iceland


Magdalen Fields, Berwick-Upon-Tweed, Northumberland, TD15 1NE
Distance: 0.5 Kilometres
Directions from Parade to Spar


74-80 Main Street, Tweedmouth, Northumberland, TD15 2AA
Distance: 0.79 Kilometres
Directions from Parade to Spar


Main Street, Tweedmouth, Northumberland, TD15 2DS
Distance: 1.06 Kilometres
Directions from Parade to Asda

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Berwick Castle and Ramparts
Distance: 0.91 (km)
Directions from Parade to Berwick Castle and Ramparts


Attraction Name: Berwick Castle and Ramparts
Distance: 2.04 (km)
Directions from Parade to Berwick Castle and Ramparts


Attraction Name: Berwick-upon-Tweed Barracks
Distance: 2.68 (km)
Directions from Parade to Berwick-upon-Tweed Barracks


Attraction Name: Cell Block Museum
Distance: 2.68 (km)
Directions from Parade to Cell Block Museum

Local Government and Policing


Local Council Details

Within the area of Northumberland
Visit the Council's Website
County Hall
NE61 2EF
Send Mail
Telephone Number: 0845 600 6400
Within the electoral area of Not Found -
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of Berwick-upon-Tweed
The Member of Parliament is Anne-Marie Trevelyan
Details for the MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan on
Details for the MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan on
In the 2017 General Election Anne-Marie Trevelyan won with a majority of 11781 the result was Con hold. The total electorate was 58807
Within the area of Berwick-upon-Tweed Civil Parish Council

Population Statistics

ONS Area Code:
Ons Area Name:
Average Age :