Scholar S Gate

Postcode: G75 0NP

Scholar S Gate is a street in the settlement of East Kilbride which is within the electoral area of East Kilbride South Ward in the administration area of South Lanarkshire Council located in the Scotland Euro Region of the UK.

Scholar S Gate is located 337.92 miles North West from the centre of London, 8.25 miles South from the centre of Glasgow, 40.97 miles West from the centre of Edinburgh and 67.86 miles South West from the centre of Dundee.

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Nearby Roads


Postcodes for Scholar S Gate

G75 0NP
Telephone codes

Telephone Information

Area Code: 01355 - East Kilbride
Area Code: 01357 - Strathaven
Area Code: 01698 - Motherwell
Area Code: 0141 - Glasgow

Broadband Speed (megabits per second)

Speed: Less than 2 Mbps
Average Speed: >=30
Median Speed: 21.1
Maximum Speed: >=30
Next-generation access (NGA)?: Y
Number of Connections: 21

Water and Drainage Details

Scottish Water
Visit Scottish Water's Website

Healthcare and Education

Nearest Libraries

Nearest Libraries

East Kilbride Central Library

Olympia Centre, East Kilbride, G741PG
Telephone: 01355 220046
Distance: 1.38 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Scholar S Gate to East Kilbride Central Library

Greenhills Library

Greenhills Square, East Kilbride, G758TT
Distance: 1.4 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Greenhills Library

Westwood Library

121 Westwood Square, East Kilbride, G758JQ
Distance: 1.5 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Westwood Library

St.Leonards Library

St. Leonards Square, East Kilbride, G742AT
Distance: 2.68 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Scholar S Gate to St.Leonards Library

Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfasts and Places to Stay Near Scholar S Gate



Rail Stations

Nearest Railway Stations

East Kilbride Station is 2.02 Kilometers away

Directions from Scholar S Gate to East Kilbride

East Kilbride station is operated by ScotRail in the East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow area on the Muirhouse Jcn - East Kilbride / Kilmarnock stretch of line.

Direct Trains to the following stations: • Busby • Clarkston • Crossmyloof • Giffnock • Glasgow Central • Hairmyres • Pollokshaws West • Thornliebank • Thorntonhall

Hairmyres Station is 2.72 Kilometers away

Directions from Scholar S Gate to Hairmyres

Hairmyres station is operated by ScotRail in the East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow area on the Muirhouse Jcn - East Kilbride / Kilmarnock stretch of line.

Direct Trains to the following stations: • Busby • Clarkston • Crossmyloof • East Kilbride • Giffnock • Glasgow Central • Pollokshaws West • Thornliebank • Thorntonhall

Thorntonhall Station is 4.77 Kilometers away

Directions from Scholar S Gate to Thorntonhall

Thorntonhall station is operated by ScotRail in the East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow area on the Muirhouse Jcn - East Kilbride / Kilmarnock stretch of line.

Direct Trains to the following stations: • Busby • Clarkston • Crossmyloof • East Kilbride • Giffnock • Glasgow Central • Hairmyres • Pollokshaws West • Thornliebank

Busby Station is 6.05 Kilometers away

Directions from Scholar S Gate to Busby

Busby station is operated by ScotRail in the East Renfrewshire area on the Muirhouse Jcn - East Kilbride / Kilmarnock stretch of line.

Direct Trains to the following stations: • Clarkston • Crossmyloof • East Kilbride • Giffnock • Glasgow Central • Hairmyres • Pollokshaws West • Thornliebank • Thorntonhall


Nearest Airports

Glasgow International Airport is 20.24 Kilometers away Directions from Scholar S Gate to Glasgow International Airport
Glasgow Prestwick International Airport is 37.71 Kilometers away Directions from Scholar S Gate to Glasgow Prestwick International Airport

Nearest Ferries

Glasgow Central Station Bridge Ferry Landing is 12.88 Kilometers away
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Glasgow Central Station Bridge Ferry Landing
Broomielaw Quay Ferry Terminal is 13.02 Kilometers away
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Broomielaw Quay Ferry Terminal
Plantation Quay Ferry Landing is 13.98 Kilometers away
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Plantation Quay Ferry Landing
Glasgow SECC Ferry Landing is 14.02 Kilometers away
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Glasgow SECC Ferry Landing


Nearest Motorway Junctions

Junction: M74 J2/A724 - 9.11 Km Away
Directions from Scholar S Gate to M74 J2/A724
Junction: M74 J2a/A74 - 9.76 Km Away
Directions from Scholar S Gate to M74 J2a/A74
Junction: M74 J3/A74/A763 - 9.81 Km Away
Directions from Scholar S Gate to M74 J3/A74/A763
Junction: M74 J5/A725 - 10.23 Km Away
Directions from Scholar S Gate to M74 J5/A725

In the Area

Nearest Supermarkets

Nearest Supermarkets


93 Melbourne Avenue, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 8DP
Distance: 1.09 Kilometres
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Keystore

Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd

93 Melbourne Avenue, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 8DP1-3 Olympia, East Kilbride, Town Centre, Glasgow, G74 1PG
Distance: 1.38 Kilometres
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd


93 Melbourne Avenue, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 8DP1-3 Olympia, East Kilbride, Town Centre, Glasgow, G74 1PG3 Greenhills Square, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 8TT
Distance: 1.4 Kilometres
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Iceland

Marks & Spencer

93 Melbourne Avenue, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 8DP1-3 Olympia, East Kilbride, Town Centre, Glasgow, G74 1PG3 Greenhills Square, East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 8TT4 The Plaza, East Kilbride, Town Centre, Glasgow, G74 1LS
Distance: 1.47 Kilometres
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Marks & Spencer

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nature Reserve

Attraction Name: Langlands Moss Local Nature Reserve
Distance: 1.26 (km)
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Langlands Moss Local Nature Reserve

Tourist Attraction

Attraction Name: East Kilbride Ice Rink, Dolland Aqua Centre
Distance: 1.68 (km)
Directions from Scholar S Gate to East Kilbride Ice Rink, Dolland Aqua Centre

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Torrance House
Distance: 2.5 (km)
Directions from Scholar S Gate to Torrance House

Country Park

Attraction Name: James Hamilton Heritage Park
Distance: 2.77 (km)
Directions from Scholar S Gate to James Hamilton Heritage Park

Local Government and Policing


Local Council Details

Within the area of South Lanarkshire
Visit the Council's Website
Council Offices
Almada Street
Send Mail
Telephone Number: 0845 740 6080
Within the electoral area of East Kilbride South Ward -
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of East Kilbride, Strathaven and Lesmahagow
The Member of Parliament is Lisa Cameron
Details for the MP Lisa Cameron on
Details for the MP Lisa Cameron on
In the 2017 General Election Lisa Cameron won with a majority of 3866 the result was SNP hold. The total electorate was 80442

Location detailsLocation Details for Scholar S Gate
Name of Road: Scholar S Gate
OS Reference: 262988, 652668
OS Grid Reference: NS630527
Latitude and Longitude: 55.7479823499, -4.18306096704
Approximate distance to the nearest high tide point: 9.53576 miles

Ordnance Survey Landranger Map Series for Scholar S Gate

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