Zion S Loan

Postcode: KW15 1TX

Zion S Loan is a street which is within the electoral area of West Mainland Ward in the administration area of Orkney Islands Council located in the Scotland Euro Region of the UK.

Zion S Loan is located 531.11 miles North from the centre of London, 112.91 miles North East from the centre of Inverness, 132.89 miles North from the centre of Aberdeen and 175.4 miles North from the centre of Dundee.

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Map of Zion S Loan

Nearby Roads


Postcodes for Zion S Loan

KW15 1TX
Telephone codes

Telephone Information

Area Code: 01856 - Orkney

Water and Drainage Details

Scottish Water
Visit Scottish Water's Website

Healthcare and Education

Nearest Libraries

Nearest Libraries

Orkney Library & Archive

44 Junction Road, Kirkwall, KW151AG
Telephone: 01856 873166
Distance: 6.36 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Zion S Loan to Orkney Library & Archive



Nearest Airports

Kirkwall (Orkney) Airport is 10.64 Kilometers away Directions from Zion S Loan to Kirkwall (Orkney) Airport
Eday Airport is 28.01 Kilometers away Directions from Zion S Loan to Eday Airport
Stronsay Airport is 30.36 Kilometers away Directions from Zion S Loan to Stronsay Airport
Westray Airport is 40.27 Kilometers away Directions from Zion S Loan to Westray Airport

Nearest Ferries

Kirkwall Orkney Hatston Ferry Terminal is 5.6 Kilometers away
Directions from Zion S Loan to Kirkwall Orkney Hatston Ferry Terminal
Kirkwall Orkney Ferry Terminal is 6.39 Kilometers away
Directions from Zion S Loan to Kirkwall Orkney Ferry Terminal
Kirkwall Shapinsay Ferry Terminal is 6.41 Kilometers away
Directions from Zion S Loan to Kirkwall Shapinsay Ferry Terminal
Shapinsay Orkney Ferry Terminal is 10.14 Kilometers away
Directions from Zion S Loan to Shapinsay Orkney Ferry Terminal


Nearest Motorway Junctions

In the Area

Nearest Supermarkets

Nearest Supermarkets

Lidl UK GmbH

Lidl, Pickaquoy Road, Kirkwall, KW15 1RP
Distance: 5.93 Kilometres
Directions from Zion S Loan to Lidl UK GmbH

Tesco Kirkwall Superstore

Tesco, 18 Pickaquoy Road, Kirkwall, KW15 1RP
Distance: 5.93 Kilometres
Directions from Zion S Loan to Tesco Kirkwall Superstore

Cooperative Food Group Ltd

Scottish Co-operative, Pickaquoy Road, Kirkwall, KW15 1RP
Distance: 5.93 Kilometres
Directions from Zion S Loan to Cooperative Food Group Ltd

Cooperative Food Group Ltd

Scottish Co-operative, Pickaquoy Road, Kirkwall, KW15 1RP19 Albert Street, Kirkwall, KW15 1HP
Distance: 6.56 Kilometres
Directions from Zion S Loan to Cooperative Food Group Ltd

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Rennibister Earth House (Souterrain)
Distance: 1.16 (km)
Directions from Zion S Loan to Rennibister Earth House (Souterrain)

Tourist Attraction

Attraction Name: Rennibister Earth House (Souterrain)
Distance: 1.71 (km)
Directions from Zion S Loan to Rennibister Earth House (Souterrain)

Tourist Attraction

Attraction Name: Wideford Hill
Distance: 1.88 (km)
Directions from Zion S Loan to Wideford Hill

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Wideford Hill
Distance: 2.18 (km)
Directions from Zion S Loan to Wideford Hill

Local Government and Policing


Local Council Details

Within the area of Orkney Islands
Visit the Council's Website
School Place
KW15 1NY
Send Mail
Telephone Number: 01856 873 535
Within the electoral area of West Mainland Ward -
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of Orkney and Shetland
The Member of Parliament is Alistair Carmichael
Details for the MP Alistair Carmichael on parliament.uk
Details for the MP Alistair Carmichael on theyworkforyou.com
In the 2017 General Election Alistair Carmichael won with a majority of 4563 the result was LD hold. The total electorate was 34164

Location detailsLocation Details for Zion S Loan
Name of Road: Zion S Loan
OS Reference: 338548, 1012354
OS Grid Reference: HY385124
Latitude and Longitude: 58.9942894293, -3.06957386987
Approximate distance to the nearest high tide point: miles

Ordnance Survey Landranger Map Series for Zion S Loan

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