Broomlands Busway

Postcode: KA12 0XZ

Broomlands Busway is a street in the settlement of Irvine which is within the electoral area of Irvine West Ward in the administration area of North Ayrshire Council located in the Scotland Euro Region of the UK.

Broomlands Busway is located 340.14 miles North West from the centre of London, 23 miles South West from the centre of Glasgow, 61.14 miles West from the centre of Edinburgh and 83.96 miles North West from the centre of Carlisle.

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Nearby Roads


Postcodes for Broomlands Busway

KA12 0XZ
nearest tide point and watercourse

Tides and Rivers

Broomlands Busway is approximately 1.92145 kilometres from the tidal high water mark which could be coastline or a tidal river (click to view nearest high tide point in Google Maps) and is metres above sea level

The nearest significant watercourse to Broomlands Busway is a river called Annick Water which is approximately 0.0858656 kilometres away
Telephone codes

Telephone Information

Area Code: 01563 - Kilmarnock
Area Code: 01294 - Ardrossan

Broadband Speed (megabits per second)

Speed: Greater than 2 Mbps
Average Speed: 10.6
Median Speed: 13.3
Maximum Speed: 14.3
Next-generation access (NGA)?: N
Number of Connections: 8

Water and Drainage Details

Scottish Water
Visit Scottish Water's Website

Healthcare and Education

Nearest Libraries

Nearest Libraries

Bourtreehill Library

Cheviot Way, Irvine, KA111JU
Distance: 0.88 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Bourtreehill Library

Irvine Library

168 High Street, Irvine, KA128AN
Distance: 1.33 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Irvine Library

Dreghorn Library

Main Street, Dreghorn, KA114AQ
Distance: 1.96 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Dreghorn Library

Springside Library

Springside Community Centre, Overtoun Road, Springside, KA113BG
Distance: 3.58 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Springside Library

Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfasts and Places to Stay Near Broomlands Busway




Nearest Airports

Glasgow Prestwick International Airport is 12 Kilometers away Directions from Broomlands Busway to Glasgow Prestwick International Airport
Glasgow International Airport is 30.66 Kilometers away Directions from Broomlands Busway to Glasgow International Airport

Nearest Ferries

Troon Ferry Terminal is 7.67 Kilometers away
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Troon Ferry Terminal
Ardrossan Ferry Terminal is 11.49 Kilometers away
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Ardrossan Ferry Terminal
Ardrossan Ferry Terminal is 11.49 Kilometers away
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Ardrossan Ferry Terminal
Ayr Compass Pier is 16.32 Kilometers away
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Ayr Compass Pier


Nearest Motorway Junctions

Junction: M77 J8/A77(T) - 12.84 Km Away
Directions from Broomlands Busway to M77 J8/A77(T)
Junction: M77 J7/B778 - 13.64 Km Away
Directions from Broomlands Busway to M77 J7/B778
Junction: M77 J6/A77 - 17.65 Km Away
Directions from Broomlands Busway to M77 J6/A77
Junction: M8 J29/A726/A737 - 29.73 Km Away
Directions from Broomlands Busway to M8 J29/A726/A737

In the Area

Nearest Supermarkets

Nearest Supermarkets


84-92 East Road, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 0AF
Distance: 1.2 Kilometres
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Aldi

Sainsbury's Supermarket

84-92 East Road, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 0AFAyr Road, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 8BH
Distance: 1.36 Kilometres
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Sainsbury's Supermarket


84-92 East Road, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 0AFAyr Road, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 8BHRivergate, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 8AU
Distance: 1.56 Kilometres
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Asda

Tesco Stores Ltd.,

84-92 East Road, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 0AFAyr Road, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 8BHRivergate, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 8AU16 Riverway, Riverway Retail Park, Irvine, KA12 8AY
Distance: 1.82 Kilometres
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Tesco Stores Ltd.,

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nature Reserve

Attraction Name: Shewalton Sandpits Nature Reserve
Distance: 1.85 (km)
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Shewalton Sandpits Nature Reserve


Attraction Name: Scottish Maritime Museum, Irvine Burns Club Museum
Distance: 2.7 (km)
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Scottish Maritime Museum, Irvine Burns Club Museum

Tourist Attraction

Attraction Name: Beach Park & Magnum Leisure Centre, Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine Sea Angling
Distance: 2.72 (km)
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Beach Park & Magnum Leisure Centre, Harbour Arts Centre, Irvine Sea Angling

Tourist Attraction

Attraction Name: Eglinton Country Park Visitor Centre
Distance: 3.55 (km)
Directions from Broomlands Busway to Eglinton Country Park Visitor Centre

Local Government and Policing


Local Council Details

Within the area of North Ayrshire
Visit the Council's Website
Cunninghame House
KA12 8EE
Send Mail
Telephone Number: 0845 603 0590
Within the electoral area of Irvine West Ward -
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of Central Ayrshire
The Member of Parliament is Philippa Whitford
Details for the MP Philippa Whitford on
Details for the MP Philippa Whitford on
In the 2017 General Election Philippa Whitford won with a majority of 1267 the result was SNP hold. The total electorate was 68999

Location detailsLocation Details for Broomlands Busway
Name of Road: Broomlands Busway
OS Reference: 233422, 638892
OS Grid Reference: NS334389
Latitude and Longitude: 55.6150546287, -4.64526615504
Approximate distance to the nearest high tide point: 1.92145 miles

Ordnance Survey Landranger Map Series for Broomlands Busway

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