Lady Nairne Drive

Postcode: PH1 1RQ

Lady Nairne Drive is a street in the settlement of Perth which is within the electoral area of Perth City North Ward in the administration area of Perth and Kinross Council located in the Scotland Euro Region of the UK.

Lady Nairne Drive is located 365.52 miles North from the centre of London, 19.85 miles West from the centre of Dundee, 33.22 miles North from the centre of Edinburgh and 47.67 miles North East from the centre of Glasgow.

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Map of Lady Nairne Drive

Nearby Roads


Postcodes for Lady Nairne Drive

Telephone codes

Telephone Information

Dialling Code: 01289
Telephone Exchange: PERTH - ESPER
Telephone Cabinet: P49
Fibre to the Cabinet or Fibre to the Premises: FTTC

Broadband Speed (megabits per second)

Speed: Less than 2 Mbps
Average Speed: 25.9
Median Speed: 29.1
Maximum Speed: >=30
Next-generation access (NGA)?: Y
Number of Connections: 24

Water and Drainage Details

Scottish Water
Visit Scottish Water's Website

Healthcare and Education

Nearest Libraries

Nearest Libraries

Perth A K Bell Library

York Place, Perth, PH28EP
Telephone: 01738 444949
Distance: 2.8 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Perth A K Bell Library

West Mill Street Library

West Mill Street, Perth, PH15QP
Distance: 2.86 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to West Mill Street Library

North Inch Library

Gowans Terrace, Perth, PH15BF
Distance: 2.89 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to North Inch Library

Scone Library

Sandy Road, Scone, PH26LJ
Distance: 5.11 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Scone Library

Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfasts and Places to Stay Near Lady Nairne Drive




Nearest Airports

Dundee City Airport is 29.24 Kilometers away Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Dundee City Airport
Edinburgh Airport is 50.82 Kilometers away Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Edinburgh Airport

Nearest Ferries

Kinross Ferry Landing is 22.71 Kilometers away
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Kinross Ferry Landing
Lochleven Castle Ferry Landing is 22.86 Kilometers away
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Lochleven Castle Ferry Landing
Rosyth Ferry Terminal is 41.99 Kilometers away
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Rosyth Ferry Terminal
Inchcolm Island Ferry Landing is 42.57 Kilometers away
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Inchcolm Island Ferry Landing


Nearest Motorway Junctions

Junction: M90 J10/A912 - 4.99 Km Away
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to M90 J10/A912
Junction: M90 J11/A90(T)/A85 - 5.06 Km Away
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to M90 J11/A90(T)/A85
Junction: M90 J9/A912 - 8.24 Km Away
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to M90 J9/A912
Junction: M90 J8/A91/B996 - 18.74 Km Away
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to M90 J8/A91/B996

In the Area

Nearest Supermarkets

Nearest Supermarkets

Scottish Co-op

12 West Mains Avenue, Perth, PH1 1QZ
Distance: 0.13 Kilometres
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Scottish Co-op

Scottish Co-op

12 West Mains Avenue, Perth, PH1 1QZ12 West Mains Avenue, Perth, PH1 1QZ
Distance: 0.13 Kilometres
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Scottish Co-op

Scottish Co-op

12 West Mains Avenue, Perth, PH1 1QZ12 West Mains Avenue, Perth, PH1 1QZ193-201 Rannoch Road, Perth, PH1 2DP
Distance: 0.67 Kilometres
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Scottish Co-op

Tesco Stores Ltd

12 West Mains Avenue, Perth, PH1 1QZ12 West Mains Avenue, Perth, PH1 1QZ193-201 Rannoch Road, Perth, PH1 2DPCrieff Road, Perth, PH1 2NR
Distance: 0.83 Kilometres
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Tesco Stores Ltd

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Landmark or Antiquity

Attraction Name: Huntingtower Castle
Distance: 1.14 (km)
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Huntingtower Castle


Attraction Name: City of Perth Art Gallery and Museum, The Black Watch Museum
Distance: 1.23 (km)
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to City of Perth Art Gallery and Museum, The Black Watch Museum


Attraction Name: Huntingtower Castle
Distance: 1.52 (km)
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to Huntingtower Castle

Historic Place of Worship

Attraction Name: St Ninian's Cathedral
Distance: 3.21 (km)
Directions from Lady Nairne Drive to St Ninian's Cathedral

Local Government and Policing


Local Council Details

Within the area of Perth and Kinross
Visit the Council's Website
2 High Street
Send Mail
Telephone Number: 01738 475 000
Within the electoral area of Perth City North Ward -
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of Perth and North Perthshire
The Member of Parliament is Pete Wishart
Details for the MP Pete Wishart on
Details for the MP Pete Wishart on
In the 2017 General Election Pete Wishart won with a majority of 21 the result was SNP hold. The total electorate was 71762

Location detailsLocation Details for Lady Nairne Drive
Name of Road: Lady Nairne Drive
OS Reference: 308656, 724115
OS Grid Reference: NO087241
Latitude and Longitude: 56.400538341, -3.48015140468
Approximate distance to the nearest high tide point: 2.83404 miles

Ordnance Survey Landranger Map Series for Lady Nairne Drive

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Western Edge
Perth & Kinross
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