Oran Gate

Postcode: G20 8DA

Oran Gate is a street in the settlement of Greater Glasgow which is within the electoral area of Maryhill/Kelvin Ward in the administration area of Glasgow City Council located in the Scotland Euro Region of the UK.

Oran Gate is located 347.98 miles North West from the centre of London, 2.04 miles North West from the centre of Glasgow, 42.52 miles West from the centre of Edinburgh and 64.21 miles South West from the centre of Dundee.

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Nearby Roads


Postcodes for Oran Gate

G20 8DA
Telephone codes

Telephone Information

Area Code: 0141 - Glasgow

Broadband Speed (megabits per second)

Speed: Greater than 2 Mbps
Average Speed: 23.3
Median Speed: 22.7
Maximum Speed: >=30
Next-generation access (NGA)?: Y
Number of Connections: 19

Water and Drainage Details

Scottish Water
Visit Scottish Water's Website

Healthcare and Education

Nearest Libraries

Nearest Libraries

Maryhill Library

1508 Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G209AD
Distance: 0.93 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Oran Gate to Maryhill Library

Hillhead Library

348 Byres Road, Glasgow, G128AP
Distance: 1.08 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Oran Gate to Hillhead Library

Possilpark Library

127 Allander Street, Glasgow, G225JJ
Distance: 1.7 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Oran Gate to Possilpark Library

Partick Library

305 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow, G116AB
Distance: 2.08 Kilometres
Visit Website
Directions from Oran Gate to Partick Library

Hotels, Guest Houses, Bed & Breakfasts and Places to Stay Near Oran Gate



Rail Stations

Nearest Railway Stations

Gilshochill Station is 1.41 Kilometers away

Directions from Oran Gate to Gilshochill

Gilshochill station is operated by ScotRail in the Glasgow North Burgh area on the Anniesland - Greenhill Lower Jcn stretch of line.

Direct Trains to the following stations: • Anniesland • Ashfield • Glasgow Queen Street • Kelvindale • Maryhill • Possilpark & Parkhouse • Summerston

Possilpark & Parkhouse Station is 1.59 Kilometers away

Directions from Oran Gate to Possilpark & Parkhouse

Possilpark & Parkhouse station is operated by ScotRail in the Glasgow North East Burgh area on the Anniesland - Greenhill Lower Jcn stretch of line.

Direct Trains to the following stations: • Anniesland • Ashfield • Gilshochill • Glasgow Queen Street • Kelvindale • Maryhill • Summerston

Summerston Station is 1.69 Kilometers away

Directions from Oran Gate to Summerston

Summerston station is operated by ScotRail in the Glasgow North Burgh area on the Anniesland - Greenhill Lower Jcn stretch of line.

Direct Trains to the following stations: • Anniesland • Ashfield • Gilshochill • Glasgow Queen Street • Kelvindale • Maryhill • Possilpark & Parkhouse

Maryhill Station is 1.86 Kilometers away

Directions from Oran Gate to Maryhill

Maryhill station is operated by ScotRail in the Glasgow North Burgh area on the Anniesland - Greenhill Lower Jcn stretch of line.

Direct Trains to the following stations: • Anniesland • Ashfield • Gilshochill • Glasgow Queen Street • Kelvindale • Possilpark & Parkhouse • Summerston


Nearest Airports

Glasgow International Airport is 9.77 Kilometers away Directions from Oran Gate to Glasgow International Airport
Glasgow Prestwick International Airport is 46.55 Kilometers away Directions from Oran Gate to Glasgow Prestwick International Airport

Nearest Ferries

Riverside Museum (Glasgow) Ferry Landing is 2.65 Kilometers away
Directions from Oran Gate to Riverside Museum (Glasgow) Ferry Landing
Glasgow SECC Ferry Landing is 2.85 Kilometers away
Directions from Oran Gate to Glasgow SECC Ferry Landing
Glasgow SECC Ferry Landing is 2.85 Kilometers away
Directions from Oran Gate to Glasgow SECC Ferry Landing
Govan Ferry Landing is 2.86 Kilometers away
Directions from Oran Gate to Govan Ferry Landing


Nearest Motorway Junctions

Junction: M8 J17/A82/A804 - 1.92 Km Away
Directions from Oran Gate to M8 J17/A82/A804
Junction: M8 J18/A804 - 2.07 Km Away
Directions from Oran Gate to M8 J18/A804
Junction: M8 J16/A879/A804 - 2.5 Km Away
Directions from Oran Gate to M8 J16/A879/A804
Junction: M8 J19/A804/A814 - 2.87 Km Away
Directions from Oran Gate to M8 J19/A804/A814

In the Area

Nearest Supermarkets

Nearest Supermarkets


170 Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow, G20 8NX
Distance: 0.32 Kilometres
Directions from Oran Gate to Tesco

Tesco Extra

Tesco Store Unit 9, 1201 Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 9SH
Distance: 0.38 Kilometres
Directions from Oran Gate to Tesco Extra

Londis ""Claire""

Tesco Store Unit 9, 1201 Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 9SH88 Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow, G20 8NZ
Distance: 0.47 Kilometres
Directions from Oran Gate to Londis ""Claire""

Waitrose Limited

Tesco Store Unit 9, 1201 Maryhill Road, Glasgow, G20 9SH88 Queen Margaret Drive, Glasgow, G20 8NZ367 Byres Road, Glasgow, G12 8AU
Distance: 1 Kilometres
Directions from Oran Gate to Waitrose Limited

Nearest Tourist Attractions

Nearest Tourist Attractions


Attraction Name: Glasgow Botanic Gardens
Distance: 0.68 (km)
Directions from Oran Gate to Glasgow Botanic Gardens

Historic Place of Worship

Attraction Name: St Mary's Cathedral
Distance: 1.12 (km)
Directions from Oran Gate to St Mary's Cathedral

Historic Place of Worship

Attraction Name: St Lukes Cathedral
Distance: 1.35 (km)
Directions from Oran Gate to St Lukes Cathedral


Attraction Name: Museum of Transport, Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery, Hunterian Museum, Riverside Museum
Distance: 2.04 (km)
Directions from Oran Gate to Museum of Transport, Kelvingrove Museum and Art Gallery, Hunterian Museum, Riverside Museum

Local Government and Policing


Local Council Details

Within the area of Glasgow City
Visit the Council's Website
City Chambers
George Square
G2 1DU
Send Mail
Telephone Number: 0141 287 2000
Within the electoral area of Maryhill/Kelvin Ward -
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of Glasgow North
The Member of Parliament is Patrick Grady
Details for the MP Patrick Grady on parliament.uk
Details for the MP Patrick Grady on theyworkforyou.com
In the 2017 General Election Patrick Grady won with a majority of 1060 the result was SNP hold. The total electorate was 53862

Location detailsLocation Details for Oran Gate
Name of Road: Oran Gate
OS Reference: 257357, 668073
OS Grid Reference: NS574681
Latitude and Longitude: 55.8846767019, -4.28078357851
Approximate distance to the nearest high tide point: 2.04239 miles

Ordnance Survey Landranger Map Series for Oran Gate

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