
A wide range of spatial data has been analysed to present this overview of the SN13 9 Postcode sector. If you would like anything added, please contact us.

The SN13 9 Corsham Postcode Sector

The SN13 9 postcode sector is within the county of Wiltshire.

Did you know? According to the 2021 Census, the SN13 9 postcode sector is home to a bustling 9,767 residents!

Given that each sector allows for 400 unique postcode combinations. Letters C, I, K, M, O and V are not allowed in the last two letters of a postcode. With 288 postcodes already in use, this leaves 112 units available.

The largest settlement in the SN13 9 postal code is CORSHAM followed by Neston, and Gastard.

The SN13 9 Postcode shares a border with SN14 0 (CHIPPENHAM, Sheldon), SN12 7 (MELKSHAM, Beanacre, Forest), SN12 8 (MELKSHAM, Atworth, Broughton Gifford), SN13 0 (CORSHAM, Hawthorn, Rudloe), SN13 8 (Box, Kingsdown, Box Hill) and SN15 2 (CHIPPENHAM, Bromham, Lacock).

Map of the SN13 9 Postcode Sector

Explore the SN13 9 postcode sector by using our interactive map.

The sector is within the post town of CORSHAM.

SN13 9 is a postcode sector within the SN13 postcode district which is within the SN Swindon postcode area.

The Royal Mail delivery office for the SN13 9 postal sector is the Corsham Delivery Office and Chippenham Delivery Office.

The area of the SN13 9 postcode sector is 6.77 square miles which is 17.53 square kilometres or 4,330.70 square acres.


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Map Showing Location of the SN13 postcode Sector
Where is the SN13 Postcode Sector?
A word cloud for the SN13 9 postcode
A word cloud showing place names for the SN13 9 postcode sector, can you see your street?
Postcode format for the SN13 9 postcode sector
S N 1 3 - 9 X X
S N 1 3 Space 9 Letter Letter

Official List of Streets

CORSHAM (146 Streets)

Thingley (2 Streets)

The Ridge (2 Streets)

Weather Forecast for SN13 9

Weather Forecast for Corsham

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 15.00%SE 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 13.00%SE 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for OvercastOvercast4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 47.00%SE 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain4.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 78.00%SE 7 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain5.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 80.00%SSE 7 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 56.00%SE 7 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 10.00%SE 7 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 5.00%ESE 7 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 3.00%ESE 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy2.0°C (feels like -2.0°C) 5.00%E 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy1.0°C (feels like -3.0°C) 5.00%E 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy2.0°C (feels like -2.0°C) 6.00%E 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 6.00%ESE 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 5.00%ESE 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy3.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 5.00%E 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy2.0°C (feels like -1.0°C) 5.00%E 9 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy1.0°C (feels like -2.0°C) 5.00%E 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy1.0°C (feels like -3.0°C) 5.00%E 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy1.0°C (feels like -3.0°C) 5.00%E 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy2.0°C (feels like -1.0°C) 6.00%ESE 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for CloudyCloudy6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 5.00%SE 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy7.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 6.00%SE 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 7.00%SE 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 9.00%SE 9 mph

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 11.00%SE 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 0.0°C) 9.00%SE 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy4.0°C (feels like 1.0°C) 7.00%SE 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy5.0°C (feels like 2.0°C) 6.00%SE 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for CloudyCloudy8.0°C (feels like 5.0°C) 5.00%SE 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy9.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) 5.00%SE 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy7.0°C (feels like 4.0°C) 6.00%SE 11 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy6.0°C (feels like 3.0°C) 5.00%SE 11 mph

Schools and Places of Education Within the SN13 9 Postcode Sector

Corsham Primary School
Academy converter

Pound Pill, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9YW
Head: Mrs Lindsay Fry Mrs Kerry Parker
Ofsted Rating: Outstanding
Inspection: 2013-06-28 (4250 days ago)
Website: Visit Corsham Primary School Website
Phone: 01249712387
Number of Pupils: 676

St Patrick's Catholic Primary School, Corsham
Voluntary aided school

Lacock Road, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9HS
Head: Mrs Jennie Courtney
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2022-11-30 (808 days ago)
Website: Visit St Patrick's Catholic Primary School, Corsham Website
Phone: 01249713125
Number of Pupils: 184

The Corsham School
Academy converter

The Tynings, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9DF
Head: Mr Rodney Bell
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2019-09-12 (1983 days ago)
Website: Visit The Corsham School Website
Phone: 01249713284
Number of Pupils: 1243

Map of the SN13 9 and surrounding postcode sector

House Prices in the SN13 9 Postcode Sector

Yearly House Price Averages for the SN13 9 Postcode Sector
Type of Property 2018 Average 2018 Sales 2017 Average 2017 Sales 2016 Average 2016 Sales 2015 Average 2015 Sales
Detached £396,500 78 £443,612 76 £349,246 58 £340,620 75
Semi-Detached £284,721 60 £282,764 58 £250,703 39 £245,252 58
Terraced £269,018 33 £258,623 37 £238,672 32 £220,381 40
Flats £223,100 15 £335,094 32 £334,491 55 £353,037 33

Important Postcodes SN13 9 in the Postcode Sector

SN13 9BL

SN13 9BL is the postcode for Mansion House, Pickwick Road

SN13 9DF

SN13 9DF is the postcode for S BLOCK, The Corsham School, The Tynings, Sixth Form, The Corsham School, The Tynings, R BLOCK, The Corsham School, The Tynings, T BLOCK, The Corsham School, The Tynings, L BLOCK, The Corsham School, The Tynings, H BLOCK, The Corsham School, The Tynings, and MAKING ROOM AND TECHNOLOGY BLOCK, The Corsham School, The Tynings

SN13 9DL

SN13 9DL is the postcode for The Porch Surgery, Beechfield Road

SN13 9DN

SN13 9DN is the postcode for Springfield Community Campus, Beechfield Road, and Wiltshire Fire Brigade, Fire Station, Beechfield Road

SN13 9HR

SN13 9HR is the postcode for Methuen Centre, South Place

SN13 9HS

SN13 9HS is the postcode for St. Patricks RC School, Lacock Road

SN13 9YW

SN13 9YW is the postcode for Corsham Cp School, Pound Pill, Corsham Primary School - Pound Pill Site, Pound Pill, and Corsham Primary School, Pound Pill

The SN13 9 Sector is within these Local Authorities
  • Wiltshire
The SN13 9 Sector is within these Counties
  • Wiltshire
The SN13 9 Sector is within these Water Company Areas
  • Wessex