The WS12 4 Cannock Postcode Sector


A wide range of spatial data has been analysed to present this overview of the WS12 4 Postcode sector. If you would like anything added, please contact us.


The WS12 4 postcode sector is within the county of Staffordshire.

Did you know? According to the 2021 Census, the WS12 4 postcode sector is home to a bustling 17,404 residents!

Given that each sector allows for 400 unique postcode combinations. Letters C, I, K, M, O and V are not allowed in the last two letters of a postcode. With 324 postcodes already in use, this leaves 76 units available.

The largest settlement in the WS12 4 postal code is Hednesford followed by CANNOCK, and Huntington.

The WS12 4 Postcode shares a border with ST19 5 (Penkridge, Gailey), WS11 1 (CANNOCK, Wedges Mills), WS11 4 (CANNOCK), WS11 5 (CANNOCK, Chadsmoor, Hednesford), WS12 1 (Hednesford, CANNOCK), WS15 2 (RUGELEY), ST17 0 (STAFFORD, Brocton, Acton Trussell) and WS12 0 (CANNOCK, Hednesford, Hazel Slade).

The sector is within the post town of CANNOCK.

WS12 4 is a postcode sector within the WS12 postcode district which is within the WS Walsall postcode area.

The Royal Mail delivery office for the WS12 4 postal sector is the Cannock Delivery Office.

The area of the WS12 4 postcode sector is 7.23 square miles which is 18.73 square kilometres or 4,628.56 square acres.

Map Showing Location of the WS12 postcode Sector
Where is the WS12 Postcode Sector?
A word cloud for the WS12 4 postcode
A word cloud showing place names for the WS12 4 postcode sector, can you see your street?

Map of the WS12 4 Postcode Sector

Explore the WS12 4 postcode sector by using our free interactive map.

Postcode format for the WS12 4 postcode sector
W S 1 2 - 4 X X
W S 1 2 Space 4 Letter Letter

Official List of Streets

Hednesford (183 Streets)

Weather Forecast for WS12 4

Press Button to Show Forecast for Hednesford

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 4.00%E 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 4.00%E 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 4.00%E 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 4.00%E 9 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Hednesford

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 60.00%ESE 7 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 60.00%ESE 7 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 60.00%ESE 7 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 60.00%ESE 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain11.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 92.00%ESE 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain11.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 92.00%ESE 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain11.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 92.00%ESE 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain11.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 92.00%ESE 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 92.00%ESE 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 92.00%ESE 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 92.00%ESE 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 92.00%ESE 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for ThunderThunder12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 68.00%SSE 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for ThunderThunder12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 68.00%SSE 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for ThunderThunder12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 68.00%SSE 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for ThunderThunder12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 68.00%SSE 7 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Thunder shower (day)Thunder shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 65.00%SSW 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Thunder shower (day)Thunder shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 65.00%SSW 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Thunder shower (day)Thunder shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 65.00%SSW 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Thunder shower (day)Thunder shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 65.00%SSW 9 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Thunder shower (day)Thunder shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 60.00%SW 9 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Thunder shower (day)Thunder shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 60.00%SW 9 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Thunder shower (day)Thunder shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 60.00%SW 9 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Thunder shower (day)Thunder shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 60.00%SW 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 80.00%WSW 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 80.00%WSW 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 80.00%WSW 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Heavy rainHeavy rain14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 80.00%WSW 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 36.00%SW 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 36.00%SW 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 36.00%SW 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 36.00%SW 9 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Hednesford

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 7.00%SW 9 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 7.00%SW 9 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 7.00%SW 9 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 7.00%SW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 12.00%SW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 12.00%SW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 12.00%SW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 12.00%SW 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 14.00%SW 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 14.00%SW 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 14.00%SW 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 14.00%SW 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 44.00%WSW 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 44.00%WSW 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 44.00%WSW 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 44.00%WSW 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 43.00%W 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 43.00%W 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 43.00%W 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 43.00%W 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 46.00%WSW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 46.00%WSW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 46.00%WSW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 46.00%WSW 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 34.00%WSW 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 34.00%WSW 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 34.00%WSW 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 34.00%WSW 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 6.00%SW 7 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 6.00%SW 7 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 6.00%SW 7 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 6.00%SW 7 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Hednesford

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Clear nightClear night9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 6.00%SSW 7 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Clear nightClear night9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 6.00%SSW 7 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Clear nightClear night9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 6.00%SSW 7 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Clear nightClear night9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 6.00%SSW 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Clear nightClear night9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 11.00%S 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Clear nightClear night9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 11.00%S 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Clear nightClear night9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 11.00%S 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Clear nightClear night9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 11.00%S 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 17.00%S 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 17.00%S 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 17.00%S 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 17.00%S 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 15.00%SSW 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 15.00%SSW 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 15.00%SSW 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 15.00%SSW 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)14.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 41.00%SSW 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)14.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 41.00%SSW 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)14.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 41.00%SSW 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)14.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 41.00%SSW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 43.00%SSW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 43.00%SSW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 43.00%SSW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 43.00%SSW 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 39.00%SW 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 39.00%SW 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 39.00%SW 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 39.00%SW 11 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 11.00%SW 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 11.00%SW 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 11.00%SW 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 11.00%SW 9 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Hednesford

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for OvercastOvercast13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 15.00%SW 9 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for OvercastOvercast13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 15.00%SW 9 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for OvercastOvercast13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 15.00%SW 9 mph
00:00 to 03:00symbol for OvercastOvercast13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 15.00%SW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 15.00%SW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 15.00%SW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 15.00%SW 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 15.00%SW 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 14.00%SW 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 14.00%SW 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 14.00%SW 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 14.00%SW 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 16.00%WSW 11 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 16.00%WSW 11 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 16.00%WSW 11 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 16.00%WSW 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 40.00%WSW 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 40.00%WSW 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 40.00%WSW 11 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 40.00%WSW 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 39.00%W 13 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 39.00%W 13 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 39.00%W 13 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)16.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 39.00%W 13 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 35.00%W 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 35.00%W 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 35.00%W 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 35.00%W 11 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 8.00%W 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 8.00%W 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 8.00%W 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Clear nightClear night12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 8.00%W 9 mph

Schools and Places of Education Within the WS12 4 Postcode Sector

Hednesford Valley High School
Community special school

Stanley Road, Hednesford, Staffordshire, WS12 4JS
Head: Mr Stephen Stokes
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2019-03-06 (1907 days ago)
Website: Visit Hednesford Valley High School Website
Phone: 01543423714
Number of Pupils: 177

Littleton Green Community School
Academy converter

Colliers Way, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS12 4UD
Head: Mrs Lynn Thorneycroft
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2019-11-13 (1655 days ago)
Website: Visit Littleton Green Community School Website
Phone: 01543227570
Number of Pupils: 481

Pye Green Academy
Academy converter

Rosehill, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS12 4RT
Head: Mrs Sarah Yates
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2022-09-28 (605 days ago)
Website: Visit Pye Green Academy Website
Phone: 01543227175
Number of Pupils: 401

Staffordshire University Academy
Academy sponsor led

Marston Road, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS12 4JH
Head: Mrs Rowena Hillier
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2023-10-11 (227 days ago)
Website: Visit Staffordshire University Academy Website
Phone: 01543224700
Number of Pupils: 629

West Hill Primary School
Community school

High Mount Street, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS12 4BH
Head: Miss Kelly Bracebridge
Ofsted Rating: Good
Inspection: 2022-11-10 (562 days ago)
Website: Visit West Hill Primary School Website
Phone: 01543227125
Number of Pupils: 368

Map of the WS12 4 and surrounding postcode sector

House Prices in the WS12 4 Postcode Sector

Yearly House Price Averages for the WS12 4 Postcode Sector
Type of Property 2018 Average 2018 Sales 2017 Average 2017 Sales 2016 Average 2016 Sales 2015 Average 2015 Sales
Detached £251,328 165 £240,483 150 £219,826 166 £189,014 59
Semi-Detached £156,403 156 £153,644 186 £142,254 170 £127,987 112
Terraced £144,616 70 £126,836 93 £129,322 70 £121,672 37
Flats £99,571 19 £69,622 18 £74,844 16 £55,996 14

Important Postcodes WS12 4 in the Postcode Sector

WS12 4BH

WS12 4BH is the postcode for WEST HILL PRIMARY SCHOOL, HIGH MOUNT STREET, WEST HILL, and MAIN BUILDING, West Hill Primary School, High Mount Street

WS12 4DH

WS12 4DH is the postcode for South Staffordshire Primary Health Care Trust, Hednesford Valley Health Centre

WS12 4DJ

WS12 4DJ is the postcode for Hednesford Valley Health Centre, Station Road

WS12 4EP

WS12 4EP is the postcode for 5's Pavilion & Sports Ground, Bradbury Lane

WS12 4JH

WS12 4JH is the postcode for Staffordshire University Academy, Marston Road, Hednesford, and Staffordshire University Academy, Marston Road

WS12 4JS

WS12 4JS is the postcode for HEDNESFORD VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, STANLEY ROAD, CANNOCK, and Hednesford Valley High School, Stanley Road

WS12 4PD

WS12 4PD is the postcode for Littleton Green Primary School, Stafford Road, Huntingdon, and Littleton Green Primary School, Stafford Road

WS12 4RT

WS12 4RT is the postcode for Pye Green Academy & Nursery, Rosehill, Hednesford, and Pye Green Valley Cp School, Rosehill

WS12 4RY

WS12 4RY is the postcode for Poppyfield Academy, Noble Road, Hednesford

The WS12 4 Sector is within these Local Authorities
  • Cannock Chase District
  • South Staffordshire District
  • Stafford District (B)
The WS12 4 Sector is within these Counties
  • Staffordshire
The WS12 4 Sector is within these Water Company Areas
  • Severn Trent