GU22 Postcode District

GU22 is one of 4 Postcode Districts for the Woking Post town in Surrey


The GU22 postcode district is a postal district located in the GU Guildford postcode area with a population of 36,599 residents according to the 2021 England and Wales Census.

The area of the GU22 postcode district is 9.50 square miles which is 24.61 square kilometres or 6,081.56 acres.

Currently, the GU22 district has about 948 postcode units spread across 4 geographic postcode sectors.

Given that each sector allows for 400 unique postcode combinations, the district has a capacity of 1,600 postcodes. With 948 postcodes already in use, this leaves 652 units available.

The largest settlement in the GU22 postal code is WOKING followed by Old Woking, and Pyrford.

The GU22 Postcode shares a border with GU21 (WOKING, Knaphill, SHEERWATER), GU23 (RIPLEY, SEND, OCKHAM) and KT14 (BYFLEET, WEST BYFLEET).

The primary settlement in the GU22 postcode district is Woking, located in the county of Surrey in England. Other significant settlements in the district include Mayford, Worplesdon Hill, Pyrford, and Kingfield. The data also includes Old Woking as a settlement. The post town for this district is Woking.

For the district GU22, we have data on 5 postcode sectors. Here's a breakdown: The sector GU22 0, covers Woking in Surrey. The sector GU22 2 is non-geographic. It's often designated for PO Boxes, large organisations, or special services. The sector GU22 7, covers Woking in Surrey. The sector GU22 8, covers Woking in Surrey. The sector GU22 9, covers Woking and Old Woking in Surrey.


GU22 Postcode Sectors

Map Showing Location of the GU22 postcode Sector
Where is the GU22 Postcode Sector?
A word cloud for the GU22 postcode
A word cloud showing place names for the GU22 postcode district

Map of the GU22 Postcode District

Explore the GU22 postcode district by using our free interactive map.

Map of the GU22 and surrounding districts

When it comes to local government, postal geography often disregards political borders. However, for a breakdown in the GU22 District: the district mostly encompasses the Woking District (B) area with a total of 934 postcodes.

Recent House Sales in GU22

20/10/2023£520,000Mount Hermon Road, Woking, GU22 7TF
06/10/2023£640,000Greenmeads, Mayford, Woking, GU22 9QJ
15/09/2023£450,000Westfield Road, Woking, GU22 9AX
13/09/2023£960,000Golf Close, Woking, GU22 8PE
12/09/2023£320,000College Road, Woking, GU22 8DT
12/09/2023£1,130,000Prey Heath Close, Woking, GU22 0SP
08/09/2023£1,585,000Heathfield Close, Woking, GU22 7JQ
07/09/2023£1,775,000Hook Heath Road, Woking, GU22 0QF
05/09/2023£700,000Lincoln Drive, Woking, GU22 8RR
01/09/2023£1,565,000Pyrford Woods, Woking, GU22 8QT

Where is the GU22 Postcode District?

The postcode district for GU22 is located in Woking. Woking is situated in the northern part of the district. The nearby towns include Horsell to the north, Sheerwater to the northeast, Ripley to the east, and Send to the southeast. Furthermore, Woking is approximately 22.93 miles away from the center of London.

The district covers the post towns of LIGHTWATER, WOKING.

The sector has postcodes within the nation of England.

The GU22 Postcode District is in the West Surrey region of Surrey, East and West Sussex within the South East (England).

Weather Forecast for GU22

Press Button to Show Forecast for Woking

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy14.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 5.00%NNW 4 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Woking

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 9.00%N 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 23.00%NNE 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for OvercastOvercast11.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 16.00%N 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for OvercastOvercast12.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 15.00%NE 4 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for OvercastOvercast15.0°C (feels like 15.0°C) 12.00%WSW 4 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for OvercastOvercast16.0°C (feels like 15.0°C) 11.00%W 7 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for OvercastOvercast14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 13.00%W 11 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Light rain shower (night)Light rain shower (night)12.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 43.00%W 11 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Woking

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 14.00%W 11 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for OvercastOvercast10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 16.00%W 11 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Light rainLight rain10.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 44.00%WSW 11 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 15.00%WSW 13 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 13.00%WSW 13 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy14.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 10.00%WSW 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 9.00%WSW 11 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 2.00%SW 9 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Woking

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Clear nightClear night9.0°C (feels like 8.0°C) 1.00%SW 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Clear nightClear night8.0°C (feels like 6.0°C) 1.00%SSW 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Sunny daySunny day9.0°C (feels like 7.0°C) 3.00%S 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for Sunny daySunny day13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 5.00%S 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)16.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 6.00%S 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)16.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 7.00%S 11 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)14.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 7.00%S 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 14.00%SSE 7 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Woking

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy11.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 14.00%S 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Light rainLight rain10.0°C (feels like 9.0°C) 52.00%S 7 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)11.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 27.00%S 7 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 9.00%S 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for CloudyCloudy15.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 13.00%S 9 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 38.00%S 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy15.0°C (feels like 14.0°C) 8.00%SSE 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 8.00%SSE 7 mph

Postcode Sectors within the GU22 District

Postcode Districts that Share a Border with GU22

Royal Mail Delivery and Sorting Offices serving the GU22 Postcode District
Postcode Sector Delivery Office
GU22 0Woking Delivery Office
GU22 7Woking Delivery Office
GU22 8Woking Delivery Office
GU22 9Woking Delivery Office
Postcode format for the GU22 postcode district
GU22 - X X X
GU22 Space Numeric Letter Letter

Current Monthly Rental Prices

# Bedrooms Min Price Max Price Avg Price
£850 £1,265 £1,028
1 £1,000 £1,400 £1,153
2 £1,275 £2,750 £1,689
3 £1,650 £2,500 £2,014
4 £2,300 £5,000 £3,462
5 £3,500 £13,000 £5,586
6 £5,000 £11,000 £8,000

Current House Prices

# Bedrooms Min Price Max Price Avg Price
£15,000 £185,000 £130,000
1 £65,000 £315,000 £181,179
2 £159,950 £725,000 £345,646
3 £315,000 £1,250,000 £608,778
4 £500,000 £2,250,000 £921,937
5 £695,000 £2,395,000 £1,658,269
6 £1,695,000 £3,000,000 £1,922,857
7 £2,250,000 £3,750,000 £2,950,000

Estate Agents who Operate in the GU22 District

LogoNameBrand NameAddressContact NumberTotal Properties
Seymours Estate Agents WokingWokingSeymours Estate Agents12 Commercial Way, Woking, GU21 6ET01483 96717164
Curchods Estate Agents WokingWokingCurchods Estate AgentsBridge House Goldsworth Rd Woking, GU21 6JT01483 96788242
Bourne WokingWokingBourne36 Commercial Way, Woking, GU21 6EN01483 96746026
Seymours Estate Agents WokingWokingSeymours Estate Agents34, Commercial Way, Woking, GU21 6EN 01483 96732922
Foxtons WokingWokingFoxtonsUnit 4a Albion House High Street WOKING GU21 6BG01483 96789216

Yearly House Price Averages for the GU22 Postcode District
Type of Property 2018 Average 2018 Sales 2017 Average 2017 Sales 2016 Average 2016 Sales 2015 Average 2015 Sales
Detached £872,288169 £883,760213 £829,920174 £821,785188
Semi-Detached £475,153121 £472,050125 £439,793113 £405,339133
Terraced £420,36170 £458,043101 £442,997156 £413,639115
Flats £274,165177 £298,580236 £303,007336 £258,365310