What you need to know about Russel Street a street located in Strathmiglo


Map of Russel Street

Street Crime (updated 06/04/2024)
Location Note Central Point of Street - Not Actual Location
MSOA Info For MSOA (Statistical Neighbourhood)
Click Hint Click on a Circle for a detailed breakdown below map.
Crime Levels Green = Very Low
Yellow = Low
Orange = High
Red = Very High
Icon postcodes for Russel Street Postcodes for Russel Street
Walking Distances
Distance Info Green Circle = 10 Minutes Walk (800 metres)

About Russel Street

Russel Street is a in Strathmiglo|CUPAR

Russel Street is located within the Council's jurisdiction. They provide various services, like refuse collection, and manage council tax collection. It's situated in the region of the UK.

Russel Street is located within the county of Fife, situated in the region of the UK. It's 354.38 miles North from central London., 17.03 miles South West from Dundee, 22.85 miles North from Edinburgh and 47.53 miles North East from Glasgow.

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Also on streetlist.co.uk, can you help?

Swing Swang Lane

28th April 2024

I am trying to find out why the lane is named Swing Swang?

It has been known known this since at least 1905 when hedge making contents used to be held here.

Swing Swang is often used to describe a fairground ride. I remember Swing Boats. Were they a bit like this or is Swing Swang another name for swings?

Swing Swangs are also mentioned in connection to orchards. Or were orchards just good places to have swings?

Can You Help?

Eldroth Road

15th April 2024

I wondered if anyone has any old pictures of Wenning Bank House in the 1940’s and also Lane Side before of the same era .. we visited today with my Mum in law as she used to live at both these properties. Also any photos of the schools around that time .. thank you.

Can You Help?

Napps Way

15th April 2024

Why is the road called Napps Way (belonging to Napp, but minus an
apostrophe as is usual with such nomenclature)? Moreover, who or
what is, or was, “Napp” in the respective, possessive case?

Several years ago, I met an elderly man (probably in his late-eighties)
who lives on Bentham Drive, Liverpool 16, and during a conversation
with him whilst in a Northwest Passenger Transport Ambulance on the
way to the former RLUH (Royal Liverpool University Hospital), he told
me that he could remember (when he was a boy, living in Childwall,
Liverpool 16) that, “Where Napps Way is now, during WW2, there was
a two-man gun emplacement on the, then, open land to protect the
railway line passing over Childwall Valley Road - next to the railway
bridge - when suddenly, as they were loading a live “shell” into the gun’s
breach, the aforementioned “shell” accidentally exploded in the gun’s
breach killing both of the two soldiers, that had been manning the gun,
instantly! (Very sad, of course, but could - perhaps - two ghosts relating
to those two, very unfortunately and prematurely-killed soldiers have
haunted that place of their deaths ever since - and have any residents
of Napps Way - formerly and in its latest incarnation - seen two, WW2
(uniformed) soldiers unexpectedly appear in or near their homes?)

Can You Help?

Location Details

Russel Street
Map showing the location of Russel Street
OS Easting (X):321455
OS Northing (Y):709935
OS Grid Reference:NO215099

Ordnance Survey Maps for Russel Street

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Map SerieslinkOrdnance Survey
Explorer 1:25,000 370 Glenrothes North, Falkland and Lomond HillsCheck Price on AmazonBuy Direct from the Ordnance Survey
Policing for Russel Street

Neighbourhood Policing

Frequently asked Questions for Russel Street

What Council (Local Authority) is Russel Street in?

Russel Street is located within the local authority area of Council which is a .

What Parish Council is Russel Street in?

Russel Street is in an unparished area.

What Electoral Ward is Russel Street in?

Russel Street is located within the ward of .

What County is Russel Street in?

Russel Street is located within the ceremonial county of Fife.

What Constituency is Russel Street in?

Russel Street is not in a constituency.

What Part of the UK is Russel Street in?

Russel Street is located within the region of the United Kingdom.

What County Council area is Russel Street in?

Russel Street is not in a County Council area.

What Police Force area is Russel Street in?

Russel Street is located within the Police area.

Roads that have a Junction with Russel Street

StreetJunction Type
Cash Feus

Sunset and Sunrise times for Russel Street


Latest Weather Conditions for Russel Street

Observed at Weather Station:Leuchars 28 April 2024 at 20:00 (17.08 miles away)
Current Weather:Cloudy
Temperature and Humidity:8.7°C (62.7%)
Wind Direction and Speed:W (8 mph)

  Population Statistics

Nearest Supermarkets

Iceland Glenrothes Food Warehous
Distance: 5.89 Miles
Directions from Russel Street to Iceland Glenrothes Food Warehous
Iceland Glenwood
4 Minto Place, Glenwood, Glenrothes, KY6 1PA
Distance: 6.14 Miles
Directions from Russel Street to Iceland Glenwood
Tesco South Parks Rd Express
South Parks Rd, Glenrothes, KY6 1PB
0345 610 6393
Distance: 6.19 Miles
Directions from Russel Street to Tesco South Parks Rd Express
Iceland Glenrothes
187 Falklands Gate, Glenrothes, Fife, KY7 5NS
Distance: 6.59 Miles
Directions from Russel Street to Iceland Glenrothes

 Telephone Information

Area Code
Area Code: 01337 - Ladybank
Area Code: 01577 - Kinross

Local Government

Local Council Details
Within the area of
Local Member of Parliament
Within the Westminster Parliamentary Constituency of
The Member of Parliament is
Details for the MP on parliament.uk
Details for the MP on theyworkforyou.com
In the 2019 General Election won with a majority of 0 the result was . The total electorate was 0
Wards, Parish Councils and County Councils
Ward: Ward
Parish: Unparished area
Ceremonial County: Fife

Nearest Schools

Scotland Primary Schools

Falkland Primary School

Address: Falkland Primary School, Pleasance, Falkland, CUPAR, KY15 7AW

Distance: 2.99 miles

School Website

Contact: 01334 659415

Auchtermuchty Primary School

Address: Auchtermuchty Primary School, Back Dykes, Auchtermuchty, CUPAR, KY14 7AB

Distance: 1.90 miles

School Website

Contact: 01334 659448

Strathmiglo Primary School

Address: Strathmiglo Primary School, 111 High Street, Strathmiglo, CUPAR, KY14 7PT

Distance: 0.20 miles

School Website

Contact: 01337 659443

Nearest Hospitals

 Nearest Dentists

Dentists near Russel Street