The Village of Orford in the County of Suffolk


The village of Orford is located within the county of Suffolk.

The Parish Church (a Grade I listed building) is called Orford: St Bartholomew and serves the parish of Orford: St Bartholomew and the benefice of Wilford Peninsula and belongs to the diocese of St.Edmundsbury & Ipswich.

Orford is situated in the region of the UK and is governed by East Suffolk, council.

The village of Orford is in the region of within .

  • East Suffolk
  • Orford: St Bartholomew

Where is Orford is located in the UK

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Map of the village of Orford in Suffolk

Doctors in Orford

Name Address Town County Postcode Telephone
GP Surgeries in Orford
Chapman House, Orford Chapman House, Rectory Road, Orford Woodbridge Suffolk IP12 2NR tel:01394 450315