YO32 Postcode District

YO32 is the Postcode District for Haxby, York North Yorkshire


A wide range of spatial data has been analysed to present this overview of the YO32 Postcode district. If you would like anything added, please contact us.


The YO32 postcode district is a postal district located in the YO York postcode area with a population of 28,569 residents according to the 2021 England and Wales Census.

The area of the YO32 postcode district is 29.43 square miles which is 76.23 square kilometres or 18,837.41 acres.

Currently, the YO32 district has about 788 postcode units spread across 5 geographic postcode sectors.

Given that each sector allows for 400 unique postcode combinations, the district has a capacity of 2,000 postcodes. With 788 postcodes already in use, this leaves 1212 units available.

The largest settlement in the YO32 postal code is Haxby followed by Huntington, and Strensall.

The YO32 Postcode shares a border with YO19 (Dunnington, Riccall, Fulford), YO30 (YORK, Skelton, Shipton By Beningbrough), YO31 (YORK, Huntington), YO61 (Easingwold, Sutton-on-the-Forest, Huby), YO41 (Stamford Bridge, Wilberfoss, Elvington) and YO60 (Sheriff Hutton, Welburn, Flaxton).

In the YO32 postcode district, the primary settlement is Wigginton in the county of North Yorkshire, England. Other significant settlements in the district include Haxby, New Earswick, Strensall, Earswick, Huntington, Stockton On The Forest, and Towthorpe. The main post town in the district is York.

For the district YO32, we have data on 5 postcode sectors. Here's a breakdown: The sector YO32 2, covers Wigginton and Haxby in North Yorkshire. The sector YO32 3, covers Haxby in North Yorkshire. The sector YO32 4, covers New Earswick in North Yorkshire. The sector YO32 5, covers Strensall in North Yorkshire. The sector YO32 9, covers Huntington and Stockton On The Forest in North Yorkshire.


YO32 Postcode Sectors

Map Showing Location of the YO32 postcode Sector
Where is the YO32 Postcode Sector?
A word cloud for the YO32 postcode
A word cloud showing place names for the YO32 postcode district

Map of the YO32 Postcode District

Explore the YO32 postcode district by using our free interactive map.

Map of the YO32 and surrounding districts

When it comes to local government, postal geography often disregards political borders. However, for a breakdown in the YO32 District: the district mostly encompasses the York (B) (782 postcodes), and finally, the North Yorkshire area (9 postcodes).

Recent House Sales in YO32

23/10/2023£425,000Chaucer Lane, Strensall, York, YO32 5PE
18/10/2023£245,000Barley View, Wigginton, York, YO32 2TY
10/10/2023£410,000Park Avenue, New Earswick, York, YO32 4DB
09/10/2023£372,000Walmer Carr, Wigginton, York, YO32 2SX
09/10/2023£595,000Moray Close, Strensall, York, YO32 5SZ
09/10/2023£330,000Duncombe Drive, Strensall, York, YO32 5PJ
27/09/2023£675,000Old Orchard, Haxby, York, YO32 3DU
26/09/2023£395,000Moor Lane, Strensall, York, YO32 5UQ
26/09/2023£615,000Park Gate, Strensall, York, YO32 5YL
25/09/2023£247,000The Village, Haxby, York, YO32 3HT

Where is the YO32 Postcode District?

The YO32 postcode district is located in York. It is near several towns, including Malton to the North East (12.6 miles away), Tadcaster to the South West (13.9 miles away), Selby to the South (16.0 miles away), Knaresborough to the West (17.4 miles away), and Thirsk to the North West (17.8 miles away). Additionally, YO32 is approximately 178.1 miles from the centre of London.

The district is within the post town of YORK.

The sector has postcodes within the nation of England.

The YO32 Postcode District is covers the following regions.

Weather Forecast for YO32

Press Button to Show Forecast for Sutton Park

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy19.0°C (feels like 17.0°C) 4.00%ESE 13 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)17.0°C (feels like 15.0°C) 1.00%E 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 7.00%ENE 7 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Sutton Park

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 4.00%ENE 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)11.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 2.00%ENE 4 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Sunny daySunny day13.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 1.00%E 4 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)18.0°C (feels like 17.0°C) 1.00%SSE 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)21.0°C (feels like 19.0°C) 5.00%SSE 11 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy21.0°C (feels like 19.0°C) 6.00%SSE 13 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy20.0°C (feels like 18.0°C) 7.00%SE 11 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy16.0°C (feels like 15.0°C) 7.00%SE 9 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Sutton Park

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy14.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 6.00%SE 9 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 8.00%ESE 9 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy14.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 12.00%ESE 9 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for Light rainLight rain16.0°C (feels like 15.0°C) 44.00%ESE 9 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)17.0°C (feels like 15.0°C) 40.00%E 13 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy18.0°C (feels like 16.0°C) 17.00%ESE 13 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for CloudyCloudy17.0°C (feels like 15.0°C) 14.00%SE 9 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy14.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 14.00%ESE 7 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Sutton Park

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 11.00%SE 7 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for CloudyCloudy12.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 6.00%ESE 4 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 7.00%E 4 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy16.0°C (feels like 15.0°C) 13.00%ESE 7 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)18.0°C (feels like 16.0°C) 32.00%ESE 9 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for CloudyCloudy18.0°C (feels like 17.0°C) 12.00%ESE 9 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)17.0°C (feels like 16.0°C) 8.00%ESE 7 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)13.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 2.00%E 4 mph

Press Button to Show Forecast for Sutton Park

Time PeriodIconDescriptionTemperatureRain ProbabilityWind
00:00 to 03:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)11.0°C (feels like 11.0°C) 2.00%ENE 4 mph
03:00 to 06:00symbol for Partly cloudy (night)Partly cloudy (night)10.0°C (feels like 10.0°C) 3.00%NE 4 mph
06:00 to 09:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)12.0°C (feels like 12.0°C) 3.00%NE 2 mph
09:00 to 12:00symbol for CloudyCloudy16.0°C (feels like 16.0°C) 6.00%SSW 4 mph
12:00 to 15:00symbol for CloudyCloudy19.0°C (feels like 18.0°C) 11.00%SW 4 mph
15:00 to 18:00symbol for Light rain shower (day)Light rain shower (day)19.0°C (feels like 18.0°C) 31.00%SE 7 mph
18:00 to 21:00symbol for Partly cloudy (day)Partly cloudy (day)18.0°C (feels like 17.0°C) 7.00%NE 7 mph
21:00 to 00:00symbol for CloudyCloudy13.0°C (feels like 13.0°C) 7.00%NE 4 mph

Postcode Sectors within the YO32 District

Postcode Districts that Share a Border with YO32

Royal Mail Delivery and Sorting Offices serving the YO32 Postcode District
Postcode Sector Delivery Office
YO32 2Birch Park Delivery Office
YO32 3Birch Park Delivery Office
YO32 4Birch Park Delivery Office
YO32 5Birch Park Delivery Office
YO32 9Birch Park Delivery Office
Postcode format for the YO32 postcode district
YO32 - X X X
YO32 Space Numeric Letter Letter

Current Monthly Rental Prices

# Bedrooms Min Price Max Price Avg Price
2 £1,195 £1,200 £1,198
3 £1,200 £1,350 £1,263
4 £1,500 £1,695 £1,598

Current House Prices

# Bedrooms Min Price Max Price Avg Price
£400,000 £400,000 £400,000
1 £105,000 £115,000 £110,000
2 £99,995 £350,000 £220,434
3 £230,000 £525,000 £335,215
4 £375,000 £895,000 £523,068
5 £375,000 £1,500,000 £862,500
6 £585,000 £625,000 £605,000

Estate Agents who Operate in the YO32 District

LogoNameBrand NameAddressContact NumberTotal Properties
Reeds Rains HaxbyHaxbyReeds Rains66 The Village, Haxby, YO32 2HX01904 91751727
William H. Brown HaxbyHaxbyWilliam H. Brown28 The Village, Haxby, YO32 3HT01904 93557121
YOUR MOVE  Anscombs YorkYorkYOUR MOVE Anscombs31/32 Colliergate York YO1 8BN 01904 91767716
Stephensons HaxbyHaxbyStephensons41 The Village, Haxby, York, YO32 2HU01904 93534715
Hunters Haxby & Strensall AreasHaxby & Strensall AreasHuntersHaxby, YO3201904 9356769

Yearly House Price Averages for the YO32 Postcode District

Type of Property 2018 Average 2018 Sales 2017 Average 2017 Sales 2016 Average 2016 Sales 2015 Average 2015 Sales
Detached £357,407215 £354,864184 £334,490180 £330,174262
Semi-Detached £246,816162 £242,186166 £226,981146 £212,415157
Terraced £215,20062 £210,48950 £210,02670 £200,12772
Flats £134,61019 £144,25635 £132,90334 £128,59733