SS Postcode Area for the Southend-on-Sea Region


This section of the site is all about the SS Postcode area, also known as the Southend-on-Sea Postal Area. Explore links to the next level to learn more about specific postcode districts such as SS0.

The SS postcode area represents a group of postal districts in the Southend-on-Sea area of the United Kingdom. The area code SS stands for the letters s and s in Southend-on Sea. SS has a population of 518,677 and covers an area of 385,773 hectares. Fun fact: 0.80% of the population of Great Britain lives in this area.

The postcode area falls within the following counties: Essex (100.00%).

Where is the SS Postcode Area?

The SS Southend-on-Sea Postcode is in the East of England. The postal area borders the following neighbouring postal areas: CM - Chelmsford, RM - Romford and ME - Medway, It also borders The Thames Estuary,


Map of the SS Southend-on-Sea Postcode Area

Explore the SS Southend-on-Sea postcode area by using our interactive map.

Map Showing Location of the SS postcode area
Where is the SS Postcode Area
A word cloud for the SS postcode area
A word cloud for the SS Postcode Area

Postcode Districts within the SS Southend-on-Sea Postcode Area

There are 17 postcode districts within the Southend-on-Sea postcode area

Map of the SS Postcode Area

A map showing the boundary of in relation to other areas

There are 8 towns within the Southend-on-Sea postcode area.

Map of Posttowns in the SS
Map of Posttowns in the SS Postal Area
Area of the SS postcode area
Unit Area²
Hectares 385,773²
Miles 1,489²
Feet 41,524,219,947²
Kilometres 3,858²

Postal Delivery Offices serving the SS Southend-on-Sea Postcode Area

  • Basildon Delivery Office
  • Benfleet Delivery Office
  • Canew Delivery Office N Scale Payment Delivery Office
  • Canvey Island Delivery Office
  • Great Wakering Scale Payment Delivery Office
  • Hockley (ss) Delivery Office
  • Leigh On Sea Delivery Office
  • Rayleigh Delivery Office
  • Rochford Delivery Office
  • Shoeburyness Delivery Office
  • Southend-on-sea Delivery Office
  • Stanford Le Hope Delivery Office
  • Wickford Delivery Office