BB Postcode Area for the Blackburn Region


This section of the site is all about the BB Postcode area, also known as the Blackburn Postal Area. Explore links to the next level to learn more about specific postcode districts such as BB1.

The BB postcode area represents a group of postal districts in the Blackburn area of the United Kingdom. The area code BB stands for the letters b and b in BlackBurn. BB has a population of 488,917 and covers an area of 952,751 hectares. Fun fact: 0.75% of the population of Great Britain lives in this area.

The postcode area falls within the following counties: Lancashire (99.98%), North Yorkshire (0.02%).

Where is the BB Postcode Area?

The BA Blackburn Postcode is in the North West of England. The postal area borders the following neighbouring postal areas: PR - Preston, LA - Lancaster, OL - Oldham, BL - Bolton, BD - Bradford and HX - Halifax, and is located inland.


Map of the BB Blackburn Postcode Area

Explore the BB Blackburn postcode area by using our interactive map.

Map Showing Location of the BB postcode area
Where is the BB Postcode Area
A word cloud for the BB postcode area
A word cloud for the BB Postcode Area

Postcode Districts within the BB Blackburn Postcode Area

There are 13 postcode districts within the Blackburn postcode area

Map of the BB Postcode Area

A map showing the boundary of in relation to other areas

There are 20 towns within the Blackburn postcode area.

Map of Posttowns in the BB
Map of Posttowns in the BB Postal Area
Area of the BB postcode area
Unit Area²
Hectares 952,751²
Miles 3,679²
Feet 102,553,164,889²
Kilometres 9,528²

Postal Delivery Offices serving the BB Blackburn Postcode Area

  • Accrington Delivery Office
  • Barnoldswick Delivery Office
  • Blackburn Delivery Office
  • Burnley Delivery Office
  • Clitheroe Delivery Office
  • Darwen Delivery Office
  • Pendle Delivery Office
  • Rossendale Delivery Office

Postcode Areas Closest to BB

Towns and Villages within the BB Blackburn Postcode Area