TF Postcode Area for the Telford Region

A wide range of spatial data has been analysed to present this overview. If you would like anything added, please contact us.

This section of the site is all about the TF Postcode area, also known as the Telford Postal Area. Explore links to the next level to learn more about specific postcode districts such as TF1.

Detailed map of TF Telford Postcode Area
Detailed map showing districts and posttowns in the TF Area

Map of the TF Telford Postcode Area

Explore the postcode area by using our interactive map.

Quick Facts about the TF Postcode

TF Area Statistics
Width from East to West 19.55 mi
Height from North to South 33.29 mi
Area of TF 329.92 mi²
Maximum Width 35.77 mi
Perimeter of Postcode Area 121.41 mi
Number of Postcode Districts 13
Number of Postcode Sectors 39
Number of Post Towns 6
Number of Postcodes 7,042

The TF postcode area represents a group of 13 postal districts in the Telford area of the United Kingdom. The area code stands for the letters t and f in TelFord. The area has a population of 212,061 and covers an area of 854,506 hectares. Fun fact: 0.33% of the population of Great Britain lives in this area.

The postcode area falls within the following counties: Shropshire (95.84%), Staffordshire (4.15%), Cheshire (0.01%).

Where is the TF Postcode Area?

The TF Telford Postcode is in the West Midlands Region.. The postal area borders the following neighbouring postal areas: CW - Crewe, WV - Wolverhampton, SY - Shrewsbury and ST - Stoke-on-Trent, and is located inland.


Map Showing Location of the postcode area
Where is the postcode area?
A word cloud for the postcode area
A word cloud for the area

How built up is the Postcode Area?

I've calculated the total area covered by building footprints within the postcode area.
By analyzing this against the total area, I've determined the percentage of the area that's developed, this will give you an idea of how urban or rural the postcode region is.
The higher the percentage the more urban the area is. For example the least urban district is TF13 and the most urban is TF1.

Building Area Summary
Postcode District Total Area (m²) Footprint Area (m²) Built Percentage %
TF13 89,536,204 532,909 0.60%
TF6 135,834,030 1,039,982 0.77%
TF11 127,380,640 1,144,798 0.90%
TF9 250,358,138 2,614,225 1.04%
TF12 27,931,177 303,819 1.09%
TF10 124,675,185 1,540,978 1.24%
TF8 14,146,489 255,841 1.81%
TF5 4,518,361 232,492 5.15%
TF4 11,130,214 846,041 7.60%
TF2 27,907,179 2,139,592 7.67%
TF7 9,092,936 1,169,979 12.87%
TF3 12,189,601 1,571,923 12.90%
TF1 19,802,480 2,633,834 13.30%
Total 854,502,634 (m²) 16,026,413 (m²) 1.88%
Map of the TF Postcode Area

A map showing the boundary of TF in relation to other areas

There are 5 towns within the Telford postcode area.

Map of Posttowns in the TF
Map of Posttowns in the TF Postal Area
Area of the TF postcode area
Unit Area²
Hectares 854,506²
Miles 3,299²
Feet 91,978,171,334²
Kilometres 8,545²

Postal Delivery Offices Serving the Postcode Area

  • Market Drayton Delivery Office
  • Much Wenlock Delivery Office
  • Newport (tf) Delivery Office
  • Oakengates Delivery Office
  • Tweedale Delivery Office
  • Wellington (tf) Delivery Office

Tourist Attractions within the Area

Nearby Postcodes

Towns and Villages within the Area