M Postcode Area for the Manchester Region


This section of the site is all about the M Postcode area, also known as the Manchester Postal Area. Explore links to the next level to learn more about specific postcode districts such as M1.

Map of the M Postcode for Manchester

Map of The M Postcode Area
Terrain Map of the M - Manchester Postcode.

The M postcode area represents a group of postal districts in the Manchester area of the United Kingdom. The area code M stands for the letters m in Manchester. M has a population of 1,167,402 and covers an area of 384,967 hectares. Fun fact: 1.80% of the population of Great Britain lives in this area.

The postcode area falls within the following counties: Greater Manchester (100.00%), Cheshire (0.00%).

Where is the M Postcode Area?

The Manchester M Postcode is in North West of England. The postal area borders the following neighbouring postal areas: WN - Wigan, SK - Stockport, OL - Oldham, WA - Warrington and BL - Bolton, and is located inland.


Map of the M Manchester Postcode Area

Explore the M Manchester postcode area by using our interactive map.

Map Showing Location of the M postcode area
Where is the M Postcode Area
A word cloud for the M postcode area
A word cloud for the M Postcode Area

Postcode Districts within the M Manchester Postcode Area

There are 43 postcode districts within the Manchester postcode area

Map of the M Postcode Area

A map showing the boundary of in relation to other areas

There are 29 towns within the Manchester postcode area.

Map of Manchester Postcodes
Map showing postcode districts within the M Manchester Postcode Area

Manchester Area Code Overview

The Manchester postcode area comprises post towns of Manchester, Salford, and Sale, and the M for Manchester includes 48 postcode districts and 303 postcode sectors. The area serves Greater Manchester, and an interesting tidbit is the fictional town of Weatherfield from the iconic Coronation Street soap opera; it's located in Manchester M10.

Historical Evolution: Manchester Postcode Area in 1968


In 1968, Manchester adopted the Postcode system to modernize and hasten mail sorting. This revolutionary shift aimed at automating mail sorting, allowing machines to process 20,000 letters hourly.


An 18-member team dedicated two years to mapping every street in Manchester, as well as parts of Lancashire and Cheshire. This extensive effort resulted in a directory spanning 500,000 homes with 26,000 unique codes.

Public Awareness:

The initiative's success hinged on at least 80% of letters featuring the postcode. To achieve this, an extensive campaign sent leaflets to over half a million homes.

Coding Strategy:

Streets received codes based on their significance, and prominent businesses also earned unique codes.

Sorting Technology:

Letters with the postcode got marked with phosphorescent dots for machine readability. The "ALF" (Automatic Letter Facing machine) was also introduced to facilitate the process.

Envelope Standards:

Starting in autumn 1969, the Post Office set specific size criteria for envelopes to avail the lowest postage rates, with larger ones incurring higher charges.

Public Response:

While the majority appreciated the innovation, some resisted, particularly the two-tier mail pricing system set to begin in September.

Long-term Aspirations:

The ambition was to automate 80% of UK mail using the Postcode system within nine years.

Manchester's Trajectory:

As part of the second batch of cities, Manchester hoped to achieve full system integration by 1971, keeping up with the requirements of a modernizing society.

Map of Posttowns in the M
Map of Posttowns in the M Postal Area
Area of the M postcode area
Unit Area²
Hectares 384,967²
Miles 1,486²
Feet 41,437,462,913²
Kilometres 3,850²

Postal Delivery Offices serving the M Manchester Postcode Area

  • Atherton Delivery Office
  • Chorlton Delivery Office
  • Denton Delivery Office
  • Droylsden Delivery Office
  • East Manchester Delivery Office
  • Eccles Delivery Office
  • Failsworth Delivery Office
  • Irlam Delivery Office
  • Levenshulme Delivery Office
  • Manchester Delivery Office
  • Manchester North Delivery Office
  • Manchester South Delivery Office
  • Middleton (m) Delivery Office
  • North East (m) Delivery Office
  • North West (m) Delivery Office
  • Openshaw Delivery Office
  • Prestwich Delivery Office
  • Radcliffe Delivery Office
  • Sale Delivery Office
  • Salford Delivery Office
  • South East (m) Delivery Office
  • South West (m) Delivery Office
  • Stretford Delivery Office
  • Tyldesley Delivery Office
  • Urmston Delivery Office
  • Wythenshawe Delivery Office